SNAP 8.0.9 requires GLIBC_2.23 which may not be available for older Linux versions

Both SNAP and GPT, Back-Geocoding and Coherence operators, no longer work with CentOS 7 (and other older Lunix versions?) that do not have GLIBC_2.23
The latest Linux build of SNAP may have been done with CentOS 8 or equivalent.
GLIBC_2.23 does not appear to be available for CentOS 7.

Back-Geocoding errors, but completes processing without baseline computation?:

– org.jblas ERROR Couldn’t load copied link file: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /dev/shm/jblas4387751239095982771/ /usr/lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.23’ not found (required by /dev/shm/jblas4387751239095982771/
WARNING: org.esa.s1tbx.insar.gpf.coregistration.CreateStackOp: Unable to calculate baselines. org.jblas.NativeBlas.dgemm(CCIIID[DII[DIID[DII)V

Coherence Fails after:

– org.jblas ERROR Couldn’t load copied link file: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /dev/shm/jblas1215254279750228687/ /usr/lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.23’ not found (required by /dev/shm/jblas1215254279750228687/

have you seen this?
On Linux I get the error org.jblas.NativeBlas.dgemm(CCIIID[DII[DIID[DII)V]]]

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This is actually redundant to my older post: 8.0.x, CentOS 7, jblas, static and dynamic libraries

I understand developers wanting to compile using more recent OS releases, but this poses a problem for users who have other applications or system dependencies that require staying at a slightly older OS release. I attempted the same workaround as my older post, using links to the v7 jlinda modules. However that no longer works on my CentOS 7 server, even with previous versions, or even the v7.0.2 version.

I have now used mundialis’ docker container as a workaround. This was fairly easy to implement on my CentOS 7 server:

sudo yum install docker
sudo dockerd
docker pull mundialis/esa-snap:ubuntu
docker run -v /hostsys/path2files/:/home -it
export DISPLAY=hostIPaddress:0.0
snap (apply updates in GUI and restart to install, then exit)
gpt (then run my graphs which include BackGeocoding and Coherence)