Thank you for the work on this script!
I was just going to write my own one from scratch but this is so much better.
I think in the future I would like to remove the .xml graphs and instead just use python + snappy scripts to make it nice and smooth.
Can you please help with the question in the end of this long post?
I have successfully ran snap2stamps in a ubuntu docker container on a server as follows…
First the master output naming convention caught me out.
For now you need to run it in GUI (split + orbit) with more than one burst and name the output file the same as the S1 product with a different suffix.
I think you should just make it part of processing.
Attached is an .xml file you could add, it takes a WKT polygon as input so it will extract only the bursts that overlap the polygon. master-split.xml (1.0 KB).
Run this with an input master scene and a wkt text file as follows (cat just reads the wkt file which looks like: POLYGON((18.16 -32.88,18.53 -32.88,18.53 -33.11,18.16 -33.11,18.16 -32.88)) get it from wkt online)
gpt ./master-split.xml -t “./S1A_XXXX_orb” -PsourceFile=“./” -Pwkt=“$(cat ./aoi.wkt)”
I run the entire snap2stamps with a bash script wrapper as follows - I think snap2stamps should also do this. It can source the wkt from the project.conf file.
#! /bin/bash
gpt /home/scripts/master-split.xml -t gpt ./master-split.xml -t “./S1A_XXXX_orb” -PsourceFile=“./” -Pwkt=“$(cat ./aoi.wkt)”
python ./ ./project.conf
python ./ /.project.conf
python ./ /.project.conf
python ./ /.project.conf
I run all of this with a snap dockerfile that I pulled with:
FROM mrmoor/esa-snap-with-python:latest
I also had to install pathlib in the dockerfile with:
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git python-pathlib
I also pull snap2stamps with:
RUN mkdir -p /home/software/ && cd /home/software/ &&
git clone GitHub - mdelgadoblasco/snap2stamps: Using SNAP as InSAR processor for StaMPS &&
chmod +x /home/software/*
In the docker I then run an entrypoint script with this configure snappy:
echo “-Xmx64G” > /usr/local/snap/bin/gpt.vmoptions
echo “snap.parallelism = 16” >> /usr/local/snap/etc/
/usr/local/snap/bin/snappy-conf /usr/bin/python
/usr/bin/python /root/.snap/snap-python/snappy/ install
My problem is with the mt_prep_snap script. I use the one that comes with Stamps.
I am attempting to run Stamps with Octave instead of Matlab. Wouldn’t this be amazing?
So I am using Octave v4.4.1 in a docker with the csh shell and I change this line in mt_prep_snap from
matlab -nojvm -nosplash -nodisplay < $STAMPS/matlab/ps_parms_in_itial.m > ps_parms_initial.log
octave < $STAMPS/matlab/ps_parms_in_itial.m > ps_parms_initial.log
I get the following output:
mt_prep_snap 20170730 /home/in/131/INSAR_20170730 0.4
mt_prep_snap Andy Hooper, August 2017
Amplitude Dispersion Threshold: 0.4
Processing 1 patch(es) in range and 1 in azimuthoctave: X11 DISPLAY environment variable not set
octave: disabling GUI features
opening /home/in/131/INSAR_20170730/rslc/20150331.rslc…
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
mt_extract_cands Andy Hooper, Jan 2007Patch: PATCH_1
selpsc_patch /home/in/131/INSAR_20170730/ pscands.1.ij pscands.1.da mean_amp.flt f 1
file name for zero amplitude PS: pscands.1.ij0
dispersion threshold = 0.4
width = 9162
number of amplitude files = 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)psclonlat /home/in/131/INSAR_20170730/ pscands.1.ij pscands.1.ll
opening pscands.1.ij…
Error opening file pscands.1.ijpscdem /home/in/131/INSAR_20170730/ pscands.1.ij pscands.1.hgt
opening pscands.1.ij…
pscdem: Error opening file pscands.1.ijpscphase /home/in/131/INSAR_20170730/ pscands.1.ij
opening pscands.1.ij…
Error opening file pscands.1.ij
So the main error is the Segmentation fault when opening the first scene. The scene looks fine. Wonder if anyone has any ideas? Is this more a question for MAINSAR?
In terms of snap2stamps. Why does it create target.dim and files in the PROJECT directory? I see the data are interferograms, is this then the output before export to Stamps? It would be nice if this had a better filename and output directory.