Snaphu Import Error

I followed the steps in the DEM creation manual, but when I try to do SNAPHU import I get the following errors(there are three red lines, don’t forget to read the “SnaphuImportOp requires an unwrapped phase product” also) . My unwrapping with SNAPHU went fine, and last printed lines in the terminal being –
Unwrapping tile at row 19, column 15 (pid 23289)
Unwrapping tile at row 19, column 16 (pid 23290)
Unwrapping tile at row 19, column 17 (pid 23291)
Unwrapping tile at row 19, column 18 (pid 23296)
Unwrapping tile at row 19, column 19 (pid 23297)
Assembling tiles
Running optimizer for secondary network
Flow increment: 1 (Total improvements: 0)
9957 incremental costs clipped to avoid overflow (0.006%)
Treesize: 538005 Pivots: 25168246 Improvements: 308320
Flow increment: 2 (Total improvements: 308320)
2080 incremental costs clipped to avoid overflow (0.001%)
Treesize: 538005 Pivots: 2291 Improvements: 0
Flow increment: 3 (Total improvements: 308320)
2147 incremental costs clipped to avoid overflow (0.001%)
Treesize: 538005 Pivots: 377 Improvements: 0
Flow increment: 4 (Total improvements: 308320)
2143 incremental costs clipped to avoid overflow (0.001%)
Treesize: 538005 Pivots: 128 Improvements: 0
Integrating secondary flows
Output written to file UnwPhase_ifg_HH_10Mar2008_21Mar2008.snaphu.img
Program snaphu done
Elapsed processor time: 4:36:20.22
Elapsed wall clock time: 1:25:02

Can you open the hdr in SNAP with File > Open?

I wonder about the ‘.snaphu’ in the file name. Try to remove it and make sure that both the img and hdr files have exactly the same name.