Dear all, I am facing this problem while snaphu import… What could be the reason Even i have tried many times also. So please help me to resolve the problem. I have chosen dinsar_flt(Before exporting snaphu) and i have used .hdr for unwrapped phase. But still getting the following error. Thank you to all.
Hi, the import should be the .hdr file and the wrapped phase is already exist
Sir i have used .hdr file while importing but its showing that error sir.
is the second file this one?
The file is already exist! So why do you impost once more?
I think the error is here
Sir sorry for disturbing again and again
That i have used to 1-Read phase sir .Can you please suggest for getting result sir.
I think copy all these results you have to other drive and repeat the process of exporting and unwrapping and then import again,
K sir i will try it and i ll come back sir.
your screenshot indicates that you have exported wrapped phase but not executed the unwrapping yet. Otherwise there yould be
Just importing the header (*hdr) file without any image data won’t work.
Did you install and run snaphu successfully?
Dear sir,
I have successfully unwrapped using cygwin and after import this is wont working. But if we have small subset its working fine . But i have uses IW1 full width its shows this error sir.
so can you open the unwrapped file with File > Import > Generic Formats > ENVI
and then select the hdr file? Does it open in SNAP?
No sir directly i have opened .hdr in Read 2 Unwrapped phase in Snaphu import option.
try to open it in SNAP outside the insar import module to see if it is a valid image.
also take a look at this answers concerning the same issue
I have unwrapped successfully. But after unwrap i couldn’t understand what is the result i got. This is my unwrapped image.
Before unwrapped my image is look like this
Whether i have done any mistake. While my processing i have taken all default values. Can you please help…
Take a look at the color manipulation to check out the range of deformation in your study area, of course many parameters play an important role to get better results during the processing chain, however, it seems good attempt for you, try to understand each step you implement and its relation with the next steps.
unwrapping means that your interferogram fringes are now summed up to continuum of phase difference.
That is, basically, what you now see.
Ok ok sir i will go through the literature
Thank you very much.