Hi sir!there is the same problem that I can got the mapping using S1-SLC data with snap like this :
but I can’t export the image with high pixl ,like this
I don’t konw how to solve it and to get the mapping like this ,
colud you help me ?
Hi sir!there is the same problem that I can got the mapping using S1-SLC data with snap like this :
you don’t need to export the raster as a tif file, you can open the img file in the data folder of your DIMAP product in any other GIS.
It differs how you define the no-data value in a GIS: S1 tile in QGIS: Zero values
If you post external materials, such as this map, please include the source. This not only good practice regarding copyright regulations but also gives others the chance to understand how it was created. Simply writing “I want a map like this” is quite challenging
Thanks your advices.
I would say the central question is how you derived the Sm
band from the radar data. Masking by NDVI values is a good idea to limit the prediction to non-vegetated areas.
I implemented the proposed model into the image using band math operation
many approaches were suggested and discussed in this topic, could you pleas specify?
sounds good - sorry for asking. I just already saw in here that dubious formulas of other studies were simply copied and applied to Sentinel-1 images of other regions and wanted to give honest feedback.
So if the regression has an acceptable coefficient of determination, masking invalid areas with NDVI thresholds looks good to me.
Thank you…
Halo everybody. I want continue my research. My next research is land cover mapping, so i can overlay to my first about soil moisture mapping. Can i using sentinel 1A data for land cover mapping?
have you seen this tutorial? Synergetic use of S1 (SAR) and S2 (optical) data and use of analysis tools
I don’t have Sir
give it a try - it makes many suggestions on the use of Sentinel data for landuse classification.
This paper also follows a clear and simple approach: https://www.int-arch-photogramm-remote-sens-spatial-inf-sci.net/XLI-B7/757/2016/isprs-archives-XLI-B7-757-2016.pdf
please have a look at these posts first
Hi, can you tell me? How did you apply the formula using Band Math?