I am applying ISCE/StaMPS for time-series analysis. But not sure which of the address I should change within the StaMPS_config.bash. Could you guide me figure it out?
Hi @Ramos
Many thanks for your reply.
As I said I’m going to Run ISCE and StaMPS for my research. And here in StaMPS_Config we have Doris, ROI_PAC, Getorb, SAR_files/ODR, and … items! MY Question is that, which one of them are necessary to my work based on ISCE and how to arrange them?
which lines should be edited in the StaMPS_CONFIG.bash file? and into what directories? if you have figured it out, I would appreciate it if you inform us. Thanks
I understand, I have edited most directories according to the tutorial except for
export SNAP2STAMPS="/home/username/snap2stamps"
Which wasn’t even a line inside the StaMPS_CONFIG.bash file, So i didn’t know what the folder snap2stamps contains so that i can add this line and edit the directory accordingly