Stamps export problem

hello dear,
the stamps export operation in snap 6.0 has not been completed for 4 hours, it is still at 1%
for your information, for just12 ifg


we already have a topic on this issue: Problem in the latest part of snap to stamps
Please continue there. I also suggest to update to SNAP 8.

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hello dear,
I had this error when i did stamps export, I redid the processing from the start but the same error in the psi export phase !

thanks for your help

@ABraun hello sir !
I did the second post because I don’t have access to the replies

hello dear,
I had this error when i did stamps export, I redid the processing from the start but the same error in the psi export phase !

thanks for your help

I merged all of your topics in here to keep the forum clean.

Sir, i have same error when i update snap to 8.0 in the stamps export.

have you seen this? Error: [NodeId: StampsExport] The Product ‘_20171006_IW2’ already contains a band with the name ‘i_20171006.rslc’

i dont find " i_mst,q_mst and Intensity_mst " in the stack_deb

so 04Aug2020 is only contained once?

yes, but i don’t find Intensity_mst

i’m sure that i use just VV polarisation and i don’t have any duplicate data, but always the same error

please check in the interferogram folder as well, as the error message is refering to this directory
You can share a screenshot of the contents of the ifg stack folder

here they are

here we have the source of the error - somehow the data 2020909 is cintained twice. Please check how this was caused.


I find this, in the back-geocoding phase,

I think, the problem came from the split phase, I will redo the beginning to confirm

very good, somehow it was placed twice in the stack of interefrograms which caused the error during the export.

Hello all,
I am trying to do the snaphu export.
I got a problem and tried to solve it and another error showed.
In the screenshot is the error.
Can anyone help me, please?
Thank you!!

$ snaphu -f snaphu.conf Phase_ifg_VV_17Jul2020_25Jan2021.snaphu.img 3180

snaphu v1.4.2
26 parameters input from file snaphu.conf (84 lines total)
only one tile–disregarding multiprocessor option
Reading wrapped phase from file Phase_ifg_VV_17Jul2020_25Jan2021.snaphu.img
No weight file specified. Assuming uniform weights
Reading correlation data from file coh_IW2_VV_17Jul2020_25Jan2021.snaphu.img
NaN or infinity found in correlation data

looks like the coherence was not exported during the snaphu export, which causes the script to stop.
Is it part of the product before the export?

Hello. two processes were involved: 1) write and 2) snaphu-export. After that, I started unwrapping the phase using the above command and I got this issue.

The product was after the snaphu export. These 4 files were present in the folder.

The coherence product was not present and I copied it from the write folder to the snaphu folder. Then, I run the command and I got the above error.