StaMPS-Visualizer, SNAP-StaMPS Workflow

Dear @ABraun,

sorry, I was a bit imprecise. First when you execute the ps_plot with ts option, you have to select a really large radius which includes all measurement points of your processed data, which results in a really large csv table which you have to export using the usual way, the error will not occur, because no subset is made and all points are used to create the table…therefore no uneven objects can be created. Using this table, the work around in R described in the manual, can be used to subset the points of interest outside Matlab to avoid the error you have been encountered, what you need is an additional polygon which describes the area you are interested in. I suggest to create it in google earth and export it in the .kml format. It is even possible to load the large csv table into StaMPS-Visualizer, but your computer will have to do a lot of rendering to display all points within the csv table…

Hence, you do not have to weed your points.