StaMPS-Visualizer, SNAP-StaMPS Workflow

hi @Evandro , can you upload the picture again? I can’t read the error, since the resolution is to coarse…when you upload an image in this forum you have to wait until it shows you 100% upload before posting the post (this is my experience)

I’m sorry! Now?


@Evandro The code looks fine to me, but in your Environment (upper right panel) you can see, that the objects lat und lon are empty. Hence, loc is empty and therefore, line 16 throws an error, which uses loc as input.

But I can not see what is wrong with you read in csv. seems fine to me on the first look,

Can you please provide the output of:


@thho Sure, this is the outpt:

[1] “export_res_.1” “export_res_.2” “export_res_.3” “export_res_.4” “export_res_.5” “export_res_.6” “export_res_.7”
[8] “export_res_.8” “export_res_.9” “export_res_10” “export_res_11”

And here what I see opening “pnts” from the Environment

jep, ok that makes everything clear…

For some reason, your exported colnames differ from what I expected in the script:

your colnames: export_res_.1 etc.
the colnames we need in the script: export_res_1 etc.
you see the dot before the numbers, that breaks the pattern and nothing works.

I think for you it is easier to use a changed the script, use this:

###subset ts plot export###

#read subsetpolygon
roi <- readOGR("/home/user/studysite/roi.kml")
#read exported .csv
pnts <- read.csv("/home/user/ISNAR_master_date/stamps_tsexport.csv")
#create spatial object
lon <- pnts$export_res_.1[2:nrow(pnts)]
lat <- pnts$export_res_.2[2:nrow(pnts)]
loc <- data.frame(lon, lat)
pnts.geo <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(loc, pnts[2:nrow(pnts), ],
            proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"))
#spatial subset
pnts.sub <- pnts.geo[roi, ]
#create table from spatial subset
sub.csv <- rbind(pnts[1, ], pnts.sub@data)
#export csv to StaMPS-Visualizer application
#adapt path to your machine
write.table(sub.csv, file = "/home/user/stamps_visualizer/stusi/stamps_tsexport.csv",
            row.names = F, col.names = T, sep = ",")
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Thank you very much @thho! That’s funny because a couple of months ago I had a problem in this step and I solved deleting the two dots from the script. In the meantime I have changed my pc…new pc new problems I guess!

Thanks again!


Dear Thho I used StaMPS 4.1b and using bunt 18.04 with Matlab 18a so what shall I so what do you recommend me in order to use visualization. Thank you in advanced stay blessed.

Dear Abraun thi is the out out thank you for your unlimited support and valuable recommendation.

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Thank you Sir for your fast replay.

Ohh am still struggling by the way is that possible to send me the stamp visualization in window OS? thanks

thank you now after many struggles it works

Hi @thho,
in the manual’s troubleshooting section, there is a solution when occurs “Error using horzcat” . At this point , after I make new TS plot and select a large radius, I shall follow those steps :

load ps_plot_v-do.mat;
lon2_str = cellstr(num2str(lon2));
lat2_str = cellstr(num2str(lat2));
lonlat2_str = strcat(lon2_str, lat2_str);
lonlat_str = strcat(cellstr(num2str(lonlat(:,1))), cellstr(num2str(lonlat(:,2))));
ind = ismember(lonlat_str, lonlat2_str);
disp = ph_disp(ind);
disp_ts = ph_mm(ind,:);

and then How can I export the csv table for the use of R script

Thanks a lot.

  • Be sure that you use StaMPS version 4.x and the Visualizer version 2.1
  • Create a ps_plot() and select a large radius like 100000 that includes all your processed PS
  • Now do this:
load parms.mat;
ps_plot(<your same own specification as before>);
load ps_plot_v-doa.mat;
lon2_str = cellstr(num2str(lon2));
lat2_str = cellstr(num2str(lat2));
lonlat2_str = strcat(lon2_str, lat2_str);

lonlat_str = strcat(cellstr(num2str(lonlat(:,1))), cellstr(num2str(lonlat(:,2))));
ind = ismember(lonlat_str, lonlat2_str);

disp = ph_disp(ind);
disp_ts = ph_mm(ind,:);
export_res = [lon2 lat2 disp disp_ts];

metarow = [ref_centre_lonlat NaN transpose(day)-1];
k = 0;
export_res = [export_res(1:k,:); metarow; export_res(k+1:end,:)];
export_res = table(export_res);

The last line will output a csv table from which you can continue


New version is released StaMPS-Visualizer 3.0

Summary what is new:

  • Better installation with renv
  • you can add geometreis from .geojson files
  • you can change the point size (requested feature since long)
  • dashboard UI looks way better :smiley:
  • you can create Baseline plots from SNAP coregistered stack information
  • the annoying horzcat error in Matlab is solved by changing the export from StaMPS (thx to @SteffanDavies)


looks fantastic, congratulations!

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Thx @ABraun and thank you a lot for providing the test data I needed for devlopping this version, that helped me a lot especially to handle input study site data with lots of points:

When you put in a file with more than 50,000 points, the Visualizer will now fall back to none import and a pop up message shows up, that will tell you how you can raise the limit of 50,000 points but will also warn you of negative side effects like slower reaction of the visualizer.

Superb Sir, Thank you so much.

Dear sir,
While exporting the MATLAB figures (After completion of STAMPS (1,8)) to uncompressed TIFF format. The resolution of the TIFF image was not good. Please tell me how can I increase the image quality?