I’ve noticed that StampsExport tries to download SRTM data, at least when it’s run through gpt. For example, if I run gpt StampsExport in a linux terminal while the internet connection is turned off I get:
From looking at the source code in github I guess that it uses SRTM to make the files for the ‘dem’ output folder. This is inconvenient for me because a) when I process interferograms using an external DEM I don’t want to use SRTM at all and b) in general I’d like to minimise how much data my processing downloads.
Does anyone have any recommendations for how to get StampsExport to use my external DEM instead?
Hi @eaeo. I’ve come across the same problem as you, when using an external DEM and using StampsExport through gpt. Did you manage to solve the problem? Thank you.
Thanks for the suggestion. This issue is about using an external DEM. We don’t want to use SRTM at all but, at least last time I checked, StampsExport still tries to use SRTM.
I understood that. It makes little sense. We are currently investigating this, but if the problem can be solved by updating the SRTM 3Sec source, it should be worth a try, right?
Dear both. Thank you for your messages. Changing the SRTM source has solved the problem. However, now I wonder, which DEM is carried over to StaMPS, the External DEM (which I used for corregistration and topographic phase removal) or the SRTM 3Sec? Thank you.
legit question, especially because the StaMPS export should not require a DEM in general. We are looking into that.
For all who still struggle, please make sure that, after changing the server link to SRTM 3Sec data in the aux file, also delete zip files inside the user directory (user.snap\aux\dem\SRTM 3Sec) where zip files are stored (e.g. srtm_35_05.zip). Once you delete all of them, especially the ones which are only 1 KB large, SNAP will re-download all tiles required for the processing of an product, and the process should finish as usual.
Since the computer I work on is always offline, I don’t see a reason to fix a server link.
I wanted to try the quick-fix suggested by @traktor but I don’t know how to deal with Java files.
Therefore, the GPT option unfortunately is not an option. I say ‘unfortunately’ since it run much faster that the Snap (GUI) Export StaMPS tool, like 30 time faster. I though it must have something to do with the memory usage configurations but it seems that Snap is well configured by me.
However, I made sure that the ‘…auxdata/dem/SRTM 3Sec’ folder is empty and I managed to run successfully the Snap (GUI) Export StaMPS tool, and it even created a dem/projected_dem.rslc file. So I concludes that the GUI can do the work, even though it takes like forever to finish it…