Where to find Azimuth Angle


I would like to ask where to find Azimuth angle fo Sentinel-1. I was looking to Metadata and there is only the Incidence angle range (Incidence near and Incidence far). Do you know? please!

Hi @Teracotta,

If you meant Azimuth direction or heading of Sentinel -1 then this will help you -

It is with respect to North direction. Clockwise is positive and anti-clockswise is negative.


The link to the product specification provided above is broken.
The latest version of the product specification can be found in the SAR document librabry in Sentinel Online here:

Be careful with the meaning of platform heading. This refer to the platform heading, and not to the azimuth directions of points in the image. Both are different, especially at high latitudes.


This detail is not clear to me, is there a more comprehensive definition of platform heading available somewhere? Is the angle-difference you mention above caused by Earth rotation or something else?

Hi @mengdahl

The “platform heading” should be by definition the direction toward north of the platform. The point is that the azimuth direction within the product is not equal to the platform heading and is not constant. This is because a product is 2-dimensional + it is not on the nadir + the Earth is not flat.

I pushed an illustration of this here: