Workflow between SNAP and StaMPS

the variables are explained in the script

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Dear all,

I have got a PSInSAR result by applying snap2stamps package to process 177 images from 2014/10 to 2019/10.

Now, I want to analyze the time series after 2019/10.

Do you suggest to acquire the time series of surface deformation more than 6 years by PSInSAR method? I think it would be too long for PSInSAR analysis…

Or I could only process the images after 2019/6 (maybe a short overlap period with the previous result which end at 2019/10), and then connected these two time series? But they are with different master images and the distribution of PS pixels may be different. The time series may be acquired by calculated the mean displacement of PS pixels in a small region of the results based on two different time period.

Or…I need to apply the SBAS method to deal with this problem?

Hope someone could give me some suggestions. Thank you very much!

Hi @bayzidul I was wondering if your first picture represents StaMPS successfully installed , Since my matlab cannot call stamps, I can’t judge whether I successfully installed stamps or whether there are problems in other links. We look forward to your reply

Have you set the path of StaMPS in your Matlab?

Sorry @suribabu First of all, does that picture represent a successful installation? Second, the tutorial I used didn’t teach me how to set StaMPS paths in MATLAB. Can you tell me how to do that,thank you very much.

First of all, Click on ‘setpath’ in Matlab (window shows like below picture), In setpath window click on Add with subfolders… then select the StaMPS folder (the downloaded StaMPS path).
Once you will add the path, just run stamps(1,1) command in matlab.
But before running the stamps in Matlab, you should complete the mt_prep_snap step in terminal.

@suribabu * Thank you very much for your guidance,I successfully called StaMPS in MATLAB, but there are other problems. What is the cause of these errors?

I didn’t find any error in your screenshot.

these errors,where?

I am sorry,The first time I managed to open StaMPS, I thought it was a mistake because I was missing something.

  • I have one more basic question that I hope you can answer.
    If I only want to calculate the position of PS points, can I just install stamps and MATLAB? Do I need to install snaphu, Doris, fftw and sartools?

For PS calculation you need snaphu (for unwrapping i.e., stamps(6,6)), Trian (for atmospheric correction i.e., stamps(8,8)), and Matlab are mainly required.

Better first read the StaMPS manual, there you will get maximum answers.

Thank you for your help. Thank you very much.

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Please read this below one, for a better understanding of StaMPS.

StaMPS/ · master · Matthias Schlögl / gis-blog · GitLab

@suribabu * How to solve this situation

Try this one.

I also met the problem.Can you tell that the way? Thank you !

Just try this code once.
dbekaert/StaMPS: Stanford Method for Persistent Scatterers (

Hi all, Is there any way to automate process of master selection for PSInSAR using SNAP graphs or any other python tool, Can anybody help?