Workflow between SNAP and StaMPS

Merge should be done after deburst (as indicated in the standard graph provided within SNAP) but individual IW interferograms should be ok, so I suggest you test individual IW interferograms before merging.

This will be included in next snap2stamps release

Yes, but my question is “If subsetting after interferogram causes dimension loss, should I merge and subset both subswaths before interferogram?”

Because interferograms stack is looking good even after merging both subswaths. It is the stack with ESD only that does not look good. I am trying to do this method right now: Stack>ESD>Deburst>Merge>Subset>Interferogram>further processing. I do hope that this will work.

Subsetting should be done after Merging.

Split-Coreg-Ifg per each IWs, later Merge and finally subset.
Interferogram is done at IW level. Please check the TOPSAR Coreg Inteferogram IW All Swaths provided in SNAP

BackGeocoding > ESD> Interferogram> Deburst> Merge> Subset and further


thanks a lot .I’v follow the step by install snap6( reference: in ubuntu18,after finished installtion ,nothing appeard,even with ‘snap or sudo snap’ in command line in ‘/snap/bin’ directory,also python 2.7 is installed, Help me please


here is the information below:
y@sentinel:~/snap/bin$ snap
The snap command lets you install, configure, refresh and remove snaps.
Snaps are packages that work across many different Linux distributions,
enabling secure delivery and operation of the latest apps and utilities.

Usage: snap […]

Commands can be classified as follows:

     Basics: find, info, install, list, remove
    ...more: refresh, revert, switch, disable, enable
    History: changes, tasks, abort, watch
    Daemons: services, start, stop, restart, logs
   Commands: alias, aliases, unalias, prefer

Configuration: get, set, unset, wait
Account: login, logout, whoami
Permissions: connections, interface, connect, disconnect
Snapshots: saved, save, check-snapshot, restore, forget
Other: version, warnings, okay, ack, known, model, create-cohort
Development: run, pack, try, download, prepare-image

For more information about a command, run 'snap help '.
For a short summary of all commands, run ‘snap help --all’.

I had used the same workflow before but when I did subset, stamps export is giving me this error (image attached). that’s why I was looking for new workflow. Also, from what I understand from this answer, if I do subset after interferogram, stamps export may not work.

Can you help me please? Is my understanding wrong?

This might be useful. I think everyone in this forum were having the same problem as you.

You should apply the exactly subset for both stack of corregistered master slave amplitude and stack of interfergram. It is obvious but maybe you did forgot about it.

You need to merge and subset also de corregistered amplitudes.

I believe the issue is here rather than were to change the subset operator.

Let us know

your system knows another command “snap” which is executed when you type it in.

Do you find the installed version in your menu?

Otherwise you have to run the snap inside the bin by typing ./snap

my OS is ubuntu, no start menu, yours seem like Kubuntu? :grinning:
yes, after I ran it inside the bin ty typing ./ started with starting logo for instant,then I configured it with python ,It started well,thank you very much.

Hi all,

Stamps export worked perfectly after I did this:

split>Orbit>Stack>Deb>Merge>Subset>ESD>Interferogram>Further process.

So, basically forming the interferogram after subsetting works perfectly!

Now, I have these results (Image attached). Now, what can I do next? How can I convert phase to displacement? Any further processing should be done here?

very good, thanks for reporting the solution.

You can plot “v-d” or (if you removed orbital ramps) “v-do” to get the displacement values instead of radians.


I tried to use “ps_plot(‘v-do’)” command but I am not getting all the images as I was expecting. What can I do to get all images? (Image attached of v-do)

Good evening, I finally managed to finish the PSI analysis in which I worked with 56 images, take SNAP’s recommendation as a master image. When visualizing the resustados they do not generate confidence, the time intervals between one image and another is 1 month, it is my time series graphs I have very pronounced changes.
Any recommendation?

It depends on your research question how you want to to analyze the results.

Extract from the manual
'w' for wrapped phase
'w-d' for wrapped phase minus smoothed dem error
'w-o' for wrapped phase minus orbital ramps ('w-dm', 'w-do', 'w-dmo')
'p' for spatially filtered wrapped phase
'u' for unwrapped phase
'u-d' for unwrapped phase minus dem error
'u-m' for unwrapped phase minus and master AOE
'u-o' for unwrapped phase minus orbital ramps
'u-a' for unwrapped phase minus topo-correlated atmosphere 
('u-dm', 'u-do', 'u-da', 'u-dmo', 'u-dma', 'u-dms', 'u-dmao', 'u-dmos')
'usb' for unwrapped phase of small baseline ifgs 
('usb-d', 'usb-o', 'usb-a' also 'usb-do','usb-da', 'usb-dao')
'rsb' residual between unwrapped phase of sb ifgs and inverted
'd' for spatially correlated DEM error (rad/m)
'm' for AOE phase due to master
'o' for orbital ramps
's' for atmosphere and orbit error (AOE) phase due to slave
'v' mean LOS velocity (MLV) in mm/yr ('v-d', 'v-o', 'v-a', 'v-do, 
'v-da', 'v-dao')
'vs' standard deviation of MLV (mm/yr) ('vs-d', 'vs-o', also 'vs-do')
'vdrop' MLV calculated from all but current ifg (mm/yr)
'vdrop-o' (also 'vdrop-do')

These might also help:

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good job! I think intervals of one months are not bad because they allow you to cover large periods with a reasonable amount of images. And despite of single spikes in your graph, you can still detect trends with the third drop-down menu (exemplified here)

You can also exclude large outliers (if the same date is faulty for all points), by removing it from the StaMPS processing by the drop tags described in the manual.

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I need to do this:

When I plotted ps_plot(‘u’), I got all the unwrapped interferograms (17 for my data) in one image.

I need all the interferograms in one image just like ps_plot(‘u’), but instead of phase angle, I need all values in mm or m. I am trying to get these images just for display purpose. Analysis will be based on time series.


Can you please tell me how did you get time series?

Thank you!

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Good evening, thank you very much for taking the trouble to reply. I will follow your advice. :slight_smile:

is a viewer created by @thho . Read the thread I provide, it explains everything.

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how did you solve he problem,can you teach me?please!