Workflow between SNAP and StaMPS

If you only work with one burst, you don’t apply ESD. If you use more than one bursts, you should apply it after BackGeocoding.

Hi @ABraun, instead I have a doubt about TOPSAR Deburst in the PS processing. Is it better apply it before or after Interferogram formation? I read different points of view about this. Thanks in advance.

I always apply it afterwards.

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it would depend of the conditions, as @ABraun says, if you work with only 1 burst, you surely do not needed.

From once side, and following your above sentence,… I would ask who is this someone? If masters recommend it, I would trust masters, as they normally do science since decades, and this someone could be introducing error in his and your measurements if his assumptions are wrong.

From other side, if this someone, tried, tested, and published recognised works doing it in that way… then give a try. Again… it depends if you then do any type of check or do post-processing to verify that the assumption taken is valid.

From my understanding when you use several burst and you want a good coregistration for InSAR using Sentinel-1 TOPSAR, you need at 1/1000 pixel accuracy, that can only be reached using ESD over areas with medium/high coherence level. This I have listened from JPL, DLR, ESA and other so-called ‘masters’. So I follow their advice.

However, and depending of what is your goal, you can always try both options and evaluate their implication in the final results, so you can draw your own conclusions. And then share it with the community. :wink:

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so clear idea is ,as sentinel 1’s dpi is 5m20m,It can increase the precision of 5000mm1/1000pixel=5mm*20mm using ESD ,It is a huge precision improvement in PSI ,am I right?

As explained here by @lveci: TOPSAR Coregistration

Range and Azimuth shift apply the enhanced spectral diversity (see references).
Basically it takes advantage of the overlap between bursts to fine tune the coregistration. Generally the backgeocoding is accurate and the ESD can provide a pixel or sub-pixel shift to improve the coregistration.

P. Prats-Iraola, R. Scheiber, L. Marotti, S. Wollstadt, and A. Reigber, “TOPS interferometry with TerraSAR-X,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 50, no. 8, pp. 3179–3188, 2012

R. Scheiber and A. Moreira, “Coregistration of interferometric SAR images using spectral diversity,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 2179–2191, July 2000

A clear sentence can be found in the abstract of Yuxiao Qin, D. Perissin and Jing Bai:

saying: “In Sentinel-1 TOPS mode, the antenna sweeps in the azimuth direction for the purpose of illuminating the targets with the entire azimuth antenna pattern (AAP). This azimuth sweeping introduces an extra high-frequency Doppler term into the impulse response function (IRF), which poses a more strict coregistration accuracy for the interferometric purpose. A 1/1000 pixel coregistration accuracy is required for the interferometric phase error to be negligible, and the enhanced spectral diversity (ESD) method is applied for achieving such accuracy. However, since ESD derives miscoregistration from cross-interferometric phase, and phase is always wrapped to [ − π , π ) , an initial coregistration method with enough accuracy is required to resolve the phase ambiguity in ESD.

You can go more in detail with it so will get a deeper understanding.
I hope this clarifies your doubts…


ok ,I’ve neglect reading this meterials before,thank your mention!

Hello all,

I hope everyone is safe!

When I try to give ‘stamps(2,2)’ command in MATLAB, I am getting error in lines 55 and 190 (Matrix dimensions must agree). The error is in using the ‘/’ command. I tried to use ‘./’ instead on ‘/’, but it did not work. Can anyone please help me solve this problem?

Thank you!

Is there somethong wrong with my process as the notices is “PS_EST_GAMMA_QUICK: Estimating topo error…”

this is fine. It says that it is not estimating the error which comes from the topography (DEM) on the phase. Please check these terms in the manual or these slides:

Are there more images ,more accuracy about PSI?

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more images lead to a more robust selection of stable scatterers and therefore less variation in temporal analyses. But for single master approaches, longer time series also lead to less persistent scatterers.

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Thanks for all the informations provided here I could finally get some preliminary results with stamps in windows susbsytem for linux.

but i faced some difficulty in visualization part. First, I tried the vistamps. However, as I am wrking with the latest version of stamps. There seems to be a incompatibility between them that results in errore in maltab. I found out that there is another code based on R, but my question is do I have to install it in ubuntu or I can use it in windows just by working on the outputs that I got from stamps. I also couldnt finde the latest update of that platform. I went to gitub, I couldnt fiqured out what is going on there. I really aprreciarte if someone helps me with that.

I also got a good results from SARPROZ platform. I like to compare the results.


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you should be able to visualize the results on another machine when you copy the working directory there and have matlab installed. All you need to do is to download the latest StaMPS version and add the directory to the matlab scripts to the Path in Matlab:


Thanks for your prompt response. I already use the latest version and I have the matlab installed in ubuntu. I went torough the manual of matlab. There is only one page for plotting and I could just get the results from ps_plot(‘w’) and the other one for velocity.

you find more explanations in the script file:

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thank you so much

Thansk for your help ABraun.


Dear FJSarmin,

Your problem of Alos Palsar in StaMPExport step is solved ? Im using the dataset of alos palsar 1.1, and facing the same problem.

Can someone please help with this error in the second step of StAMPS.
which says reference to non existent field
error in ps parms default line 94
error in getparm line 14
error stamps line 53