Cannot open img - snaphu

Hi There, I’m having the same issue with snaphu, when running it from the terminal I get the following message:
“Can’t open file cohIW2_VV_07Mar2016_31Mar2016.snaphu.img
I just install SNAP 8. I had an issue before with with the S-1 TOPS Coregistration that I solved installing the libgfortran5. Not sure if this had anything to do. All the other process ran fine. Just the unwrapping is not working. Any clue what could be the cause?
Cristian O.

can you please show a screenshot of the files in the folder and share your config file?

Hello Andreas,
Thanks for the quick answer. Bellow a screenshot of my folder, and configuration file attached

snaphu.conf (1.7 KB)

Cristian O.

somehow the coherence has not been exported with the product. Did you disable it during the interferogram formation?

I’m checking the multilook operator, and I’m able to see the coherence there, same information I see in the product explorer

I have deleted everything and running it again, but the issue remains

No idea why is just exporting the phase and not the coherence…

Because you are using a graph, we cannot exactly tell at which step the coherence is lost.
You could add an “Export” for every operator to see how the intermediate products look like and if they still contian coherence.

Dear Andreas,
Thanks a lot, there was some issue when exporting from the goldsteing filtering, I ran just the snaphu export operator I finally can see the coherence file in there, so far snaphu is running ok, I’ll keep my finger crossed :slight_smile:
Cristian O.

Now I’m having the following issue when using the snaphu import operator:

Any advices?

is there a chance to see the full error message?

This is the full text

These are the files
I’m importing the .hdr file. This is the popup message when importing it

and this

I don’t know why it is there, but please remove this part of the file name so that the img and the hdr are named identical. Otherwise SNAP cannot link the hdr to the img during the import of the unwrapped phase.


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Thanks a lot Andreas, I was able to export the files :slight_smile:

Cristian O.

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Hello Andreas,
I was hoping you could give an extra hand…
I’m having the similar issue, for some reason when exporting the snaphu files, unwrapped phase image is not exported, I’m following the next procedure:
I have generated the following graph for processing

the bands in the debursted image are
I have check them, and they look fine to me.
When I run the graph to process I get the following image and bands after the goldstein phase filtering, which seems to be fine

But when checking the SNAPHU folder I have the missing img file for the unwrapped phase
No idea why I’m having this issue

I notice that when I run the snaphu export from the menu I get the correct files (coherence and phase)
But when running the SnaphuExport from the GraphBuilder (I did created the graph about 3 different times just to check I wasn’t making any mistake) it doesn’t work properly since export less files (just the phase file, for some reason missing the coherence). Do you have any idea why this could be happening?

the unwrapped phase is not included after the unwrapping, only the hdr file. You generate the img file with snaphu, that’s why you export the data in the first place.

Why the coherence img+hdr is not exported by the graph is a different question and to be honest I don’t know it. Is there a specific reason why you want to automate this at all? DInSAR requires visual inspection of the different stages (coregistration, interferogram, filtering) to see if the data was processed correctly and which parameters are required. I see little sense in automating it, because you lose control of exactly such things as missing bands.

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If you are missing coherence files try running SnaphuExport separately in a single graph. That fixed the missing files for me.

See here:


Thanks a lot, this solved the issue!

Thanks a lot for the advice, since I have several images to process I thought this would be easier.

@ABraun Hi there, I am getting the same error, has there since been a fix?

My SNAPHU export folder looks like the following:

You are in the directory “New User” - is this where your data exported from snap is located?
You have to execute the command in the same folder.