and unpacked the .tar file as i can’t open that folder (it gives a ‘No appropriate product reader found’ error)
I also tried created a .zip folder from the unpacked .tar, but this will not open either, whereas a downloaded folder will open.
When trying to open the products in the unpacked folder i am offered the following files:
but dont have an option to open the RGB image?
I would like to process this data to give me either an NDVI or LAI dataset for the image, but don’t see band 8 (for NDVI band maths?
edit: I have also tried and failed to open any of the MTL files, and using >import>optical>Landsat>** doesn’t seem to work either!
as you caqn see, the files are there, but SNAP doesn’t seem to see them.
I did manage to open the product by using >open product and opening the .xml file, which gave me all the bands, so i could then process and subset
I have been talking to @oana_hogoiu, there were some issues with updates, I did a clean install and found that SNAP was performing better
Thats what’s confusing me too! In the screenshot i have my windows file manager and the SNAP import product window open to the same folder.
the data is downloaded from the USGS Earth explorer, Landsat collection 1 and as you can see, I have the files there.
when i use >open product it shows the files:
@ABraun I’ve tried downloading again from the USGS earth explorer, but I never get the MTL.txt file.
Am I selecting the right collection?
I check the box labelled Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS C1 Level2
I downloaded last week a couple of Landsat 8 L2 without any problems. They can be read in SNAP (collection 1). Maybe you should check in the USGS help or Forum.