Hi there!
I am starting to use PolSARpro software.
I would like to open my zipped S-1 data, but when importing them, I got the following error:
‘couldn’t execute “Soft\bin\lib\unzip\7zG_win64.exe”: no such file or directory’
I cannot find where I can link 7zG with PolSARpro.
Everything is by the way working fine with the unzipped data.
I had the same problem. You can simply copy 7zG.exe from your 7zip installation to the destined folder (I had to create unzip inside the bin\lib folder first) and rename it to 7zG_win64.exe.
And I don’t understand why the image is being displayed like the one in nthe left in polsarpro. The same image in SNAP looks like the one in the right.
This is the quad-pol data for my study area. I also tried the free sample data ( [Vancouver_RS2_FineQuad15_HH_HV_VH_VV_SLC (ConstantBeta LUT)) available at the following MDA website, but still I have the same problem.
I just tested the Vancouver QuadPol sample data in PolSARpro 5.1.1 and for me it works fine
I selected “product.xml” in the import step and assigned the tif files to the four S elements
my subset was 5000 / 8150 and 200/ 2000