Dear all ,
I am facing with following error on first step om Matlab:
StaMPS step 1;
Error using load
Unable to read file ‘…/’. No such file or directory.
Error in sb_load_initial (line 41)
Error in stamps (line 135)
Plaese help me to solve it.
And my data consist of 23 images, schould i divide them into two before stacking them on SNAP?
I work in windows environment, I installed Cygwin I ran the first script mt_prep_gamma_snap of stamps and I think it is good because all my pscands.ij files are not empty behave pscands.1.ij0. i use the trial windows matlab version, I got the following error message in running stamps(1,1).
There was an error in the code where an apostrophe was missing. So instead of generating a column it was reading a line. I reported it to the developers. So there may be an update or You could just add it.
For more info check the stamps GitHub
I’m having the same issue, i’ve reinstalled MATLAB twice but the issue hasn’t gone away. What version of matlab are you using, maybe it’s a version issue.
Dear all,
i managed to export the snap to gamma format and do the mt_prep_gamma
Finally, when i start with my stamps processing in matlab. I get the following error:
when i run the first step of stamps:
Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds.
Error in ps_load_initial_gamma (line 108)
Error in stamps (line 263)
Please do help if anyone knows what to be done with this. @thho@ABraun Can you help me with this ?
Hi @Narayanee,
when you are using StaMPS v4.x use mt_prep_snap, not the gamma script, this was done in version 3 but is not necessary any more, since snap has now it’s own preparation script.
Thank you so much. @thho
but i still continue to get the same error. So i tried looking into the files of patch 1 created after running mt_prep_snap.
I opened the ps_load_initial_gamma.m file to look at the code. this line
ijname=[’./pscands.1.ij’]; has the variable initiative. This variable is further used as ij which is shown as error in my previous post.
so i tried opening this file and there was no data in it which i found it strange. Is it the same way for everyone or am i doing some mistake?
Most of the time, when I did had this error or people here reporting it, is because of a wrong preprocessed interferogram in SNAP. Before exporting, I always suggest to double check all interferograms. This is what I would do first, hope that helps a bit.