Hello! I am very fresh in the SAR analysis, so excuse me if I am making silly mistakes.
I try to make polarimetric decomposition from Sentinel-1 SLC.
Firstly, I did calibration. Later, S-1 TOPS deburst and from this point I have an issue. The output is smaller than input and when I try to do polarimetric decomposition there is error that I need input to be a full polarimetric product.
I have tried this type of decomposition and indeed it works. Only issue now is that the scene is smaller than original one and it is due to deburst - I do not know how to make decomposition of whole scene.
did you zoom in and out a bit? Sometimes parts of the image are not displayed all at once. Sorry, might be a dumb suggestion but I can’t imagine why it could have changed during the debursting.
How large is the change? of course, a few pixel vanish where the black lines used to be.
I have managed to make the H-Alpha Plane Plot, could you please advise on how to derive the figure below, with specification of Label, Colour, Value, Frequency and Description?
First you split, calibrate (complex) and deburst your S1 product, optionally you apply speckle filtering.
Then you select Radar > Polarimetric Classification > Unsupervised Polarimetric classification
In the dropdown menu you select H Alpha Wishart Dual Pol
Thank you very much for clarifying the steps! I realized I have asked a silly question…anyway, appreciated your patience and step-by-step instruction.
Hello, when I run the H/A/alpha decomposition in PolSARpro 5.1, I met a problem.
What does the colormap of the H-plane mean? Take an example as follows.
I followed the steps you described but then in the H Alpha Wishart Dual Pol step, it said that input should be a single look complex product. Do you know how should I solve this? Thanks a lot