my PhD research is monitoring mega hydraulic water structure , i need to know how to be professional in SNAP , I feel confused
Who should answer what to this statement?
Have a look at the tutorials: Tutorials – STEP (
i start my knowledge about remote sensing and SAR , from eco college course but when i start to apply to my work i feel like i dnot anything and i really need to know how can i start
like I want to subset a group of images by graph building and batch process it doesn’t work !
What is not working? Which steps have you executed? What is the error message.
there is no error msg i expect to see the subset images appear in the left box (exploring) but during the subset they dont give me option to write the coordinate by myself like when i do in the subset optino from raster menu above
I agree with @marpet
Please first check how to use the basic software functionalities using the tutorials by ESA, ASF or RUS, also Youtube is a great source for instructions.
In a second step, when you get errors, please use the search function to check if someone had similar problems. Many topics with helpful answers already exist.
In a third step, if your problem is not covered by any of this forum’s topics, feel free to continue an existing topic (if it deals with similar things) or create a new one, but make sure that you follow the FAQs on how to ask questions. We can only help if you share some information, for example which data you are using, which steps you applied and what exactly is the problem. You can include screenshots to help us understand.
As an PhD candidate, one part is to prove that you can take up existing scientific works (and software packages such as SNAP) and use them for your personal question.
So be assured we are here to help, but als understand that you have to do your part as well.
Okay I am civil engineer and I just start to build my back ground about InSar and remote sensing so I feel that I know a lot informations and data but no one guided me! And as u mentioned about videos on YouTube and esa website after I watched many videos when I started to apply I feel like I’m not in the right direction!! If u can suggest me a source to understanding SNAP from scratch I will appreciate
I think this is also the job of your supervisor, especially when it comes to define a research plan and the selection of methods.
Maybe for clarification, InSAR is about surface deformation of the earth, while traditional SAR works with the backscatter intensity which is related to the physical characteristics of surfaces.
Maybe these help you to get a better idea of what types of analyses are available and which is the one you need for your study:
- SAR Handbook: Comprehensive Methodologies for Forest Monitoring and Biomass Estimation
(the first chapters are great introductions to SAR in general) - Land Applications of Radar Remote Sensing
- AIRBUS (2020) SAR For Beginners (shows the different aspects of radar remote sensing)
Thanx a lot will check the references and try again
hello ABraun , i would like to thank u for the reference you nominated airbus guide book , i still feel that i am not able to reach a certain method to analysis my images ,
Sorry to hear this. But to accomplish your PhD you can at least expect some basic form of guidance from your supervisors. If they gave you the mandate to work on this topic they have to make sure that you have the chance to accomplish it. Surely, learning new things is your responsibility in this, but they owe you a roadmap on how you can achieve it.
No one should be alone on the PhD journey.
i feel so bad and i am totally disappointed and i hope that i can do anything to finish this research and my only hope to found someone like my case , who starting to learn the topic from scratch , all the platforms videos’ and the researches papers , and i still like something missing , do you think should i post a topic hear to define my problem !!!
In this forum, we can only advise you on working with SNAP, how to process data and how to interpret the results. But this requires to ask specific questions (“monitoring mega hydraulic water structure” is too wide to be answered), so the forum alone doesn’t seem to help at your stage (please correct me if I’m wrong).
I still recommend to consult your supervisor to develop a strategy which you can follow along during your research. Any supervisor should have a plan for this and share it with the PhD students.
yes the water structure is divided in to small earth dam and barrage (structure) , my supervisor advise my to start this point . because no one here start it so it is a unique , and they ask me to use SNAP but after i involve in the research i found a lot of questions and a lot of things that i don’t know if i am working right or wrong let me tell you that i start to collect the images from sentinel 1 and then i start to apply speckle and calibration then now i want to find the displacement , so i start to find a method to analysis the images and after research i find that PSI is suitable , and when i follow the videos to apply the PSI i feel like am lost , because there are a lot of details the instructors doing it but i dont understand i hope that you understand my point of view , is it normal to feel lost or that mean that i am not doing right
You are not doing something wrong, you just don’t have the experience to confidently work with the data and methods. Some people pursue a PhD in InSAR and have already worked with this technique for five years during their studies.
PSI seems the correct tool to use, so you can stick to it. Did you see these wonderful collection of tutorials and advices? StaMPS - Detailed instructions - #2 by ABraun
The best way is to select one tutorial and try to follow along. As soon as you have a question, check if it has been answered in this forum and if not, ask in a suitable topic. But make sure to as as specific as possible. “I don’t know how to do it” makes it hard for us to answer - so instead tell us what data you are using, what you already did with it and at which step you are stuck (or what about it is unclear to you).
As an alternative to StaMPS you could use PyRate, which is now also officially supported by SNAP, but requires more careful preprocessing.
thank you so much I really appreciate your help and prompt reply , and I will take your advices and suggestions in my consideration .