Snap2stamps package: a free tool to automate the SNAP-StaMPS Workflow

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I would agree in general - in this case there was no initial question in the topic and it has ever since been used for general discussions. So I’d say, instead of creating a new topic, the inquiry fits in here.

hi @ABraun ,How can I produce this without having the images I used? I have removed the raw images. Thankful

Sorry, your question is unclear to me. What is “Range” and “Data” in this case?

data is S1A images

What do the numbers mean? What is Range?
If you want to create a graph like this please first help us understand what it shows. Like this, it could mean anything, because such box plots are used for all kinds of data.

These numbers are the order of each interferogram pears. But I do not know what the Range means.

Then you should ask yourself why you want to create such a graph in the first place :slight_smile:

The Statistics operator gives you the mean, median and standard deviation of raster datasets. Maybe this would be an approach towards it.

If I may add something… asking how to make this type of graphs does not fit this thread at all

Dear Xwguo,
Just edit .bashrc file and add path of StaMPS up to bin folder. like below
export PATH=path up to bin folder:$PATH
then type, source .bashrc

Dear suribabu:
I really appreciate that you can anwser my question,but Ifound that I have made export path under my bashrc file,just like the picture shows:

I have no idea about how to solve such problem,could you help me?

Have you run these steps in StaMPS/src folder
make install

yeah,I have run these steps,it shows

oh good. please follow these steps,
go two steps back from StaMPS/src folder using (cd…/…)
you will find the .bashrc file (hidden file),
ls .bashrc
gedit .bashrc

Then enter these below lines in to .bashrc file
export PATH= path up to bin folder (/home/username/Stamps/bin):$PATH
save .bashrc file
source .bashrc

*** all bold words are commands

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I use the command(…/…) in the terminal of StaMPS/src folder,but it shows no such file folder exists

ok, I’ll try it

uhhhh,it shows the same problem


Dear Abraun while typing cd …/… (I’m typing only two dots but it is by default it is producing three dots please check it once.).

it runs successfully,but I can’t find the hidden .bashrc file