Could someone help me with the installation and working with Stamps in windows 10…? I prefer working with cygwin than matlab… Kindly help me out please…
@ttolhurst has somehow managed to accomplish it, but there are many things that can go wrong.
Thank you ABraun… I will go through his works…
Dear ABraun,
I installed by first time CYGWIN with the interpreter tcsh to run mt_prep_snap script to prepare StaMPS data, but after starting, it gives some messages with errors on unknown commands as you can see in the picture below. Please, could you help me to go ahead with this script?, maybe I have to give (in some way) some paths to StaMPS scripts (bin folder) to CYGWIN?
I don’t recommend running StaMPS on Windows, there is always something which does not work. In your case StaMPS was not fully compiled. Did you compile the StaMPS binaries with the make command?
Thank you ABraun for your quick reply.
I’ll try compiling it, certainly, I didn’t use Linux or CYGWIN before, so I’m afraid that I am missing some steps before running the script.
Actually, all steps are listed here, so you can follow along.
I greatly appreciate greatly your recommendations. I got Ubuntu also installed on WSL. In addition, I could open it with lxde.
I (apparently) installed well, Ubuntu on WSL with the necessary dependencies to compile with make and gcc++, so I got StaMPS compiled in three systems: Ubuntu on WSL, lxde and CYGWIN:
However, and reviewing some similar step issues (concretely: downgrading ubuntu 20.04 to 18.04 to avoid the segmentation fault (core dumped), I realised that I should try downgrading to Ubuntu 18.04, as I got the same error in all three subsystems.
I am trying to downgrade, or uninstalling and install Ubuntu. The problem now is how to do this. Please, let me know if this can be a good option, and if you can provide me with some references to documentation related to the Ubuntu downgrading with the subsystems WSL, CYGWIN or lxde.
Thank you very much for your useful guidance and help.
I see that the upgrading with WSL is easy, uninstalling from the control panel as other apps on Windows system and then going to Windows store to search for Ubuntu 18.04. On CYGWIN I still have to know how to downgrade it.
Good job on compiling.
Depending on when the “core dumped” error occurs, downgrading ubuntu might not be necessary as long as you use the gcc-7 compiler: Please check here: Segmentation Fault (core dumped) error during mt_prep_snap - #17 by ABraun
Can’t tell if it also solves the problem under WSL, but in many cases this was necessary to get over the first two steps of StaMPS.
Thank you very much ABRraum,
Now it worked, as well you stated, with gcc-7 and on Ubuntu 18.04.
I’m working with only two bursts and 5 interferograms as a first try. I hope that it is
not a problem for the following steps.
Very good, I’m glad you made it, well done.
Dear ABraun,
It worked all well. However, when I try to export my PS data to .csv with the commonly used code below (from the StaMPS Visualizer manual), it only exports the first row as you can see in this figure
I selected a long radio with the TS option of my PS graph, but even so I receive no other rows with displacement values.
Code to export data:
ps_plot(‘v-dao’, ‘a_linear’,‘ts’);
load parms.mat;
ps_plot(‘v-dao’, ‘a_linear’,-1);
load ps_plot_v-dao.mat;
lon2_str = cellstr(num2str(lon2));
lat2_str = cellstr(num2str(lat2));
lonlat_str = strcat(cellstr(num2str(lonlat(:,1))), cellstr(num2str(lonlat(:,2))));
ind=ismember(lonlat_str, lonlat2_str);
export_res = [lonlat(ind,1) lonlat(ind,2) disp disp_ts];
metarow=[ref_centre_lonlat NaN transpose(day)-1];
export_res=[export_res(1:k,:); metarow; export_res(k+1:end,:)];
writetable(export_res, ‘stamps_tsexport.csv’)
Maybe I can try to understand the meaning of each variable in the generated file ps_plot_ts_v_dao.mat and then export them one by one, and merge them and built my excel sheet:
However, I don’t understand all of these variables, some of them, yes, but in general not. Because of this, I have the following questions:
- Do you know a better method to export them?
- Is there any manual explaining each of these variables in the ps_plot_ts_v_dao.mat?
Please, if you have any information or links I thank you if you can help me to solve these doubts.
Thank you in advance
By opening each of the arrays in the new .mat files generated with ps_plot I could find the meaning of the rows in the matrix m of the mean_v.mat in the MAINSAR group:
The first row is not exactly the standard deviation of the velocity, is the master_APS + mean deviation from the model. To help interpret my results, can we use this variable as an error? What are its units, radians/year? How can I interpret this variable with respect to the mean velocity? It is similar to a daily, monthly or annual standard deviation of the velocity?
The second row refers to the mean velocity in radians per day, so I think that I should multiply radians by 27.5 * 365 to obtain mm/y. Do you agree?
Then, I think that the time series of displacements is contained in the matrix ph_mm of the file ps_plot_ts_v-dao.mat, by reading this conversation:
Please, can you confirm this?
Finally, an important quality parameter that I cannot find is the coherence of the time series, whether a raster file or vector file (PS). I think that coherence can coincide with the variable coh_ps of the pm2.mat:
Do you agree with me?
However, I see very high values and a dense cloud of PS:
Although I am using only 5 interferograms, it seems strange for me to find so high coherence values and so many selected PS. Is this normal with StaMPS?
Thank you very much in advance
Please test this solution: Snap2stamps error - #18 by Abdel
i have some trubles with the slices because my intersted area around tow of swath 1 and 2 exactly in half
what should i do for merging the the interferogram images ?