StaMPS-Visualizer, SNAP-StaMPS Workflow

We are about to release a newer version to include multi-subswath support for TOPSAR and full workflow also for stripmap sensors.

I hope that this is ok for you and not overlapping with your work


With multi-subswath do you also mean combining 2 path/frame combinations?
This is the only thing i hoped was available for SNAP in general, I had no other holdbacks in my processing with snap2stamps although i could imagine a plot function for a quick look at the ifgs or a png converter could be very handy.

Do you mean to combine to slices from same frame? Combining 2 path/frame you can only do after StaMPS,not using SNAP, when your scope is the phase information (deformation or so)

Ouh! Thanks for the reminder… creating quicklooks for ifg should be easy to integrate.

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while working in Rstudio it exits autiomatically while installing the libraries… Could anyone suggest me a solution to this issue…

i get such an error… any way to solve this?

looks like the data you read into are characters not numerics…can can you provide a screenshot of all four windows of Rstudio…I would like to have a look on the code (upperleft) from line 1 until as much as possible, your last actions before the error in the console (lower left) the environment (upper right) with the objects loc and I assume dat

in the end, I think yomething is wrong with your csv file but that is a guess until now

and is the installing packages thing still a problem? For a first try you can use the gui instead of the script…in the lower right window there are some tabs, one is called packages…you can isntall them via this menue…should be self explanatory…if not, tell me where you stuck

for the installing thing at times rstudio gets crashed and closes… now no issue with it… i also tried installing using gui…

this is the screenshot of my screen

ok as you can see in the Environment (upper right) the objects lat lon and therefore loc are empty…please provide the output from:


or easier, provide a screenshot of your pnts tab in the upper left panel

for some reason, there are points in the lines:

lon <- pnts$export_res_.1[2:nrow(pnts)]

and lat (line beneath)

I am talking about the point after the underscore before the 1 or 2 respectively. delete them…I don’t know what they are doing there. should work after that.

in the line 30 where you write the csv file, you write to the same file name as your input file…you might not want to overwrite it…maybe you should add something like “…_subset” to the csv filename in line 30 before overwriting your input data

i did as you said… again a new error

sorry i sorted the mistake
and it went through well

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easy, you added col to line 22 before pnts.geo by accident in the past…probably when you tried to call clonames() function or something…delete the col , run line22 again and you are fine

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yup… thank you lots @thho

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i am getting the time series plot… but i dono how to infer it… is it taking the mean displacement of all MP’s? @thho
Then another query is that, in TS comparison, how am i supposed to specify the time series… I dont have a clear idea about it…

Moreover, could anybody send your publications or the manuals in which i can find the inference of the results obtained from PS technique…? (if possible kindly mail to :

Would you please to find below the link of my PhD thesis, you could find out, how to handle with each single Scattered point,

Also this article,


thankyou lots @falahfakhri

thank you this is really helpful @Gijs how can i get the incidence angle value? and what if i only have descending data? can i still convert the LOS displacement to vertical displacement?

hey @dianalalitya

you can get the incidence angle by computing radiometric correction in snap on your splitted (and orbitted) product, in the metadata file a max/min value is shown and you can choose a value in between this dependent on where your AOI is.

you do not need ascending and descending data to compute the vertical displacement but keep in mind using only 1 flight direction can introduce errors related to just that flight direction and may distort some patterns. I have not yet found an article on this but maybe @thho , @mdelgado , @falahfakhri or @ABraun can tell you more about this.

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