I found this website that include the visual application of Stanford Method for Persistent Scatterers (StaMPS)
I hope you can get a benefit from it.
I found this website that include the visual application of Stanford Method for Persistent Scatterers (StaMPS)
I hope you can get a benefit from it.
Thanks for the hint - that looks promising.
anybody tried viStaMPS so far?
When I prepare the data, the progress bar keeps remaining at about 50% and nothing happens.
I tried with different data sets but the results are the same. I don’t know if it just takes so long or there is something wrong.
Hey There. Could you kindly provide the link to download it. It won’t open no matter what. Is there another way to download the software (vistamps)
Hi Abraun, Could you give me instruction how to install StaMPS windows,
I have try by the instruction in the forum (in the left image) sorry I forget the link, but I can not continue in step install StaMPS steps in Ubuntu, in Window I stop at step 2.2 install triangle and others in the image thank you so much for your time
you are currently mixing up the operating systems.
The syntax and comands given in the documentation on the left are for linux operating systems. I generally disadvise using stamps with Windows, as I didn’t get it to work properly as well.
If you have no background in Linux, it is hard to understand what all these commands mean which are usd to provide all packages required by stamps.
I really recommend going through some basic tutorials on the bash syntax and installing packages.
Hi ABraun Thank you so much for your links!!
Hi ABraun, after I went through some the command line of Ubuntu, I try again install and I can install some of the package until I reach StaMPS installation package I don’t know how to install them because there are just give in a manual book and some line of code that doesn’t run in terminal command and then I try to download a code from Github could you help me explain how to continue to install StaMPS ! thank you so much for your time
you have to extract the downloaded StaMPS data first.
Hi ABraun Yes I did extract the file !!
In your commands you always refer to the tar.gz file. This is just the archive, the scripts and required parts are in there. Once they are exctacted, e.g. to home/tran/StaMPS/ you can proceed with the installation of the packages (snaphu, triangle) and edit the StaMPS.conf file.
Hi there, I try to run terminal to install, I did install Snaphu, but in Stamps-4.1 beta in image below (is that I will choose install file for installation staMPS) i did try a different way to run command line but it doesn’t work could you help me with that thank you so much
Also I follow the from the instruction to install in ubuntu
sorry, it seems that you randomly enter commands without knowing their meaning. If the folder desktop/StaMPS/ doesn’t exist, none of them will work. People in this forum can help you when there are error messages with the software during the data processing (SNAP, StaMPS, we even covered some topics on QGIS) but there are other boards which address the basics on operating systems or command-line syntax.
Maybe you can ask an IT administrator in your institutution who will assist you in installing the packages.
yes ABraun, Thank you again to your time!!
Hello @ABraun
Did you solve it?
I have similar error, When I upload my project folder, it loads up to 50% and nothing happens, I get some errors where it says not find the file ‘scn2’.
thank you.
I haven’t managed it either with the exe file. But an alternative is to download the source and start it via Matlab directly as described in the manual. I was able to run it then but didn’t use it very often.
hello,i have met the same problem.Have you solved it?if did ,can you share the experiencr with us?
for a question ,what application or methods you use to do further analysis,if you will,can you share it with us?
I used the two mentioned here: