Had you tried to see the content of the rslc files?
Another thing could be… when you compiled the folder stamps/src , had you got any warnings?
WHich version of gcc compiler had you used?
Had you tried to see the content of the rslc files?
Another thing could be… when you compiled the folder stamps/src , had you got any warnings?
WHich version of gcc compiler had you used?
Dear @mdelgado,
Actually i have no errors during the process you say. And Here is the screenshots of terminal you asked me(you can see below). I had tried a lot of version of StaMPS , such as 4.1, 3.3b, 3.2.1. However i got the same error . I know that @Sharon had some errors like mine but solved it. I’m trying to find and wonder the source of error(s). Best regards.
could you please plot the logging of the compiling output done in the stamps/src folder?
In the sense… please do within that folder the commands make
I ask you to check this as I got issues in the past using compilers newer than 4.8 for ubuntu.
Still, if you manage to solve the problem, please share it here with others.
Dear @mdelgado
Thank you for replying and clarify. After extract to any folder to StaMPS tar. file, i followed the offical installation manual for all StaMPS versions. From stamps/src directory, tried
‘make’ and ‘make install’. Here is the ‘make’ command in terminal for first part of installation you mean.
I tried the same Stamps-Matlab process with different exported radar data(dem,rslc,geo,diff0) with different master . Mean amplitude are always ‘inf’ and ‘zero’. At least now i guess there is no link between radar images that i used and stamps error. Probably error is caused by something else…
Dear @ledotimea @twburns
İ got the same problem with you. How did you get rid of this problem (line 81 and line 139 errors in your post). Need for your experience. Looking forward to your answer curiously. I upload the screenshot below to show what i have.
footnote: My Stamps process to run mt_prep in Terminal was succesful but i had ‘zero’ and ‘inf’ amplitude value. I don’t know if zero amplitude and having line 81 and 139 errors related with each other. Here is also link i posted. Please take a look at it and you ll see what i have during processing with StaMPS in terminal. Best regards . How to prepare Sentinel-1 images stack for PSI/SBAS in SNAP
Exactly for those messages you should compile with gcc version 4.8 max.
Please install it and use that gcc version 4.8 for doing the make and make install you illustrate there.
This should solve your problem. So please check it out and let us know
Because of this I would not say it was successful, just the software does not say… “Error”. But in fact… having inf as mean amplitude value is not much successful
Please would you send me your summary?
Thanks for your help!
Dear @mdelgado
I solved the ‘zero’ and ‘inf’ amplitude problem by using the way you said. Pscands files no longer is not empty. Thank you very much. I’m grateful to you. it worked changing the gcc version to 4.8 which is older. That was all. Now i ‘m on the next step. I got another error message approaching the end of PSI in MATLAB in Step 6. If you have any experience for this error, i will be waiting for help from you again. Can be seen some uploaded screenshoots to figure out my process of stamps, also what kind of matlab error message i get in step 6.(i tried stamps (1,7) for initial step in matlab). Best regards.
-Error using fread
İnvalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file idenifier.
I want also thank to @twburns that he gave me some hints about whole process.
I am glad that you solved it and that my advice were useful.
Regarding your new error I am wondering whether you got on your environment PATH variable before opening matlab the binaries of triangle and snaphu so the unwrap steps can go on.
Please check it out and let me know
Dear @mdelgado
Thank you for quick responding. No i did not get path variable before opening the matlab. I get source only CONFIG.bash. if it is needed to get path variable to triangle and shaphu, how can do it on terminal, i will be glad if you clarify. Best regards.
Not sure you get my point.
Be sure that the environmental variable PATH contains the folder where are found the triangle and snaphu binaries before launching matlab desktop
Dear @mdelgado
I added the environmental variable path contains the folder which have triangle and snaphu binaries as you said. Afterwards, error was gone. All steps are completed succesfully. Really thank you for your attention. Now i’m trying to show the results however i got error like below. i also have uploaded here parameters of ‘getparm’ which is in the matlab . Best regards.
Dear everybody! Thank you all very much for sharing your experience! Could you please explain for a beginner how exact are we running the script “mt_prep_snap”? Tried to do everything like manual told, but when i launch terminal in the INSAR YYYYMMDD folder and type mt_prep_snap 20180401 /backup/Sentinel-1 storage/KingQuarry/INSAR_20180401/ 0.4 (example of my fullpath), the program says that this script does not exist
if the script is not found you have to make sure that the directoriy where stamps was downloaded and extracted is correctly entered in the StaMPS_CONFIG file as mentioned in chapter 2.1 of the manual.
Basically, you need to adjust the first 10 lines of this script (part of the StaMPS download), at least the variables STAMPS, TRIANGLE and SNAPHU are required. If you preprocessed your data in SNAP, the others can be left as they are because they refer to previous parts in the workflow which are now done by SNAP.
Once you source this config file, these directories are added to the environment of the open shell and can be accessed from any other location as well.
Not sure but you defined a ref_center_lonlat but not a ref_radius.
Could you defined a ref_radius and try again?
yes i changed ref_radius as well. But there is no positive effect on the error. i still have problem unfortunately.
Then I guess it is needed to debug a bit the code where it gives you the error.
i don’t know what to do, i tried so many way to solve it. i ll continue to try but if you have a suggestion please share with me.
if no reference point is given, an average of all points is taken. Have you also tried
ref_centre_lonlat: [0 0]
ref_lat: [-Inf Inf]
ref_lon: [-Inf Inf]
ref_radius: Inf