SNAP Steps for Stacking TerraSAR-X Spotlight data for PS processing in StaMPS?

Hello, I’d like to know the ideal steps for completing Terrasar-x Stack processing in SNAP to PS processing in StaMPS? My datasets are TSX high-resolution Spotlight images, can these be processed in SNAP?

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Any Stripmap data can be used, please see here:

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I am also using TerraSAR-X spotlight data for PSI processing.
I used the spotlight coregistration graph to coregister the data. Now I am trying to form the interferogram including the elevation band and lat/lon. I believe u can export it to StaMPS just the usual way, I haven’t reached that point yet.
But I am following this tutorial for now:
(Persistent Scatterer InSAR time series with StaMPS in Window and Unix, Session 3/3 - YouTube)