error:[Nodeld: Back-Geocoding] same sub-swath is expected snap,

error:[Nodeld: Back-Geocoding] same sub-swath is expected snap


You cannot coregister images of different tracks (65 and 87)
Besides that, one is ascending, the other descending pass.

I have first merged all subswaths and then when try to do back-backgeocoding. But I get error of []NodeId: Backgeocoding] 0.If I do backgecoding on single subswath then it works. But by merging subswaths in one step and applying backgeocoding I get error. How can I fix this issue?

I think you should process your data separately and then you could merge all of three Sub-Swath,

Later on you could process each of IW separately

Your last step is TOPSAR merge,


Later on you could continue with your steps


I have the same problem, but the 2 images are the same orbit descendent and the track is 68 for both.
When i do Back Geocoding the error is:
[error:[Nodeld: Back-Geocoding]org.jblas.NativeBlas.dgemm(CCIIID[DII[DIID[DII)V


Are you sure you have not accidentally procesed 2 different subswaths (ex IW 1 and IW 2)?

Yes, i’m sure (IW2 and VV for both). Will be a problem with java?
I work with SNAP in Linux.
The images are:

Thank you

I think it’s nice to comeback to the some problems, even they are old, this problem of backgeocoding is only occurred under Linux, under Linux 19.10 ubuntu environment backgeocoding, of two S1, same track and orbit, gives this error, however, under windows same last version of SNAP, it runs smoothly.

Dear experts,
I faced Same polarization is expected error.
My all data are in same path, descending, frame.

Anyone solve this? or faced before?

can you please share your config file?

Addtional, i have changed computation_subset.xml as a below bcz of its single burst. Otherways, i was getting error explained in here.

In case you prepared the master manually (as suggested), did you reduce the master to one polarization (VV)?

Not yet. Master containing VV, VH of IW2, burst 4. And all of slaves containing only VV

Please select VV during Split of the master

Yeah. It was. Thank you expert.


I just want to ask how did you manage to solve this issue?

I have the same issue now also. I have double checked each image (split_orbit) and they have the same IW, polarization and bursts.

Thank you in advance.

Can you please post a screenshot of the WorldView window showing that all products cover the same footprint?

Here is the screenshot. There is no shift in the frame and the subswath from each acquisition has the same number of bursts. Hence, I did Batch Processing for both splitting and orbit-file correction. But because of the error, I ended up exploring snap2stamps.

It works fine in Windows.

By the way, thank you for your immediate response regarding my other concern about snap2stamps. It’s working well already.

Will do stamps_export soon.

Thank you!

alright - so your problem here is solved for now?