Landslide detection using interferometry

Hi, My name is Ahmad Samir !
I have a question? I am working on an area to detect landslide using Interforemetry technic but I found alot of other Deformation around landslided area which made me confused. I dont know what are other Deformation would be ?
does any body have any information to help ?
Thank you

we already have lots of topics dealing with landslides.

There are some large challenges:

  1. Landslides are non-coherent changes, they alter the scattering properties of surfaces, leading to decorrelation of the phase, You cannot measure the displacement of decorrelated areas
  2. Atmospheric disturbances also contribute to patterns over stable areas, so it is important to have images with suitable (dry) atmospheric conditions.
  3. The pattern you observe is also dependent from the looking direction and indicence angle. It is worth spending some time searching for a suitable image pair which captures the movement relative to the sensor best possible.

Have you seen this tutorial? Sentinel-1 TOPS interferometry
The challenges and problems dealing with interferometry are also discussed here: DEM generation with Sentinel-1 - Workflow and challenges

So, there is no right or wrong, it often depends on the study area and type of deformation if you can expect reliable results. Feel free to share some screenshots and ask more specific questions.

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@shahim007 Good knowledge of the area is essential - some geology, some geophysics.
Also try estimate the velocity.
But last try to formulate what you would like to have.

And if you post more details about area, event (if this one time event) this shall make the comments
more focused and consistent.

Good luck!

RUS Training just released this video tutorial yesterday regarding landslide analysis using Sentinel-1 :slight_smile:

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An interesting study on spaceborne landslide monitoring and measurement was recently published:

It summarizes the potential and constraints of multi-temporal radar approaches and gives recommendations for best configurations.


see this paper:

Thank you for sharing - this is a nice and systematic comparison of landslide features based on interferometric coherence, I like it.
Is this your publication? There are some spelling errors in Figure 1 (Eearthquakes), Figure 2 (Earthqueck, Spactral Diversity, Deburast), maybe it is still possible to replace the figures…