I have an external hard disk connected to my PC and I downloaded the snap software into it. I install the software and removed the hard disk.
When I connect the hard disk, the snap software is working fine. But when I disconnect the hard disk, I am getting a prompt whenever I use any tool, or open the data or anything else.
I guess it might be the problem with registry settings. I would like to know where the registry installed for SNAP software. I am using Windows 10 professional.
SNAP doesn’t use the registry.
I assume that you have somewhere a link (maybe on the desktop) which is named IITB_Soft and this links to some software on your external hard drive.
This is an issue in Java. There are several similar problems reported. https://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=JDK-8213583
Eventhough it is said that it is fixed for version 8u202 (which we use with SNAP 7), there might be some other issues open which cause the problem.